Law and Order

Law and Order within Libertalia is maintained by two parts of the Civil Government, the Republic National Police, and the Army of Libertalia (or Republic Army).

The Republic National Police operates as the premier national police service in Libertalia, being tasked with maintaining law and order and enforcing the laws set by the Senate.

National Police Service

The National Police Service is the Regular Police Force of the Libertalian National Police, making up most of the RNP's forces. These officers maintain law and order, enforce laws, deter terrorism, seize illegal items, work with foreign law enforcement and act as an irregular army force in wartime.

Senate Guard Corps

Charged with guarding the Libertalian Senate, the Senate Guard Corps is considered to be the most prestigious unit of the Libertalian National Police. 

Senate Guardsmen hold two primary tasks, defending the Senate during sessions, and protecting officials abroad. In times of conflict, the Senate may activate the Senate Guard to maintain the peace and act as a final line of defense in the case of invasion, like the rest of the National Police.

Ozark Rangers

The Ozark Ranger Corps (otherwise known as the Ozark Rangers) are the primary police force of the Ethosia Territory. Formed in late 2023 during the era of Ethosian independence, the Ozark Rangers were integrated into the Department of Defense on 23 April, 2024 following Ethosian incorporation into Libertalia.