
Ranks of the Army

This page provides a conclusive list, in order, of the ranks of the Libertalian Army, their roles in the Army, their rank code, and their insignia. 


The Enlisted Corps makes up the bulk of the Libertalian Armed Forces, the Enlisted soldier is the backbone of the Army, from the lowest Privates to the Sergeant Major of the Army, each rank fills a role in the greater machine which is our Army.

Private (E-1)

Privates (abbreviated PVT) are the lowest ranking soldiers in the Libertalian Army. Most soldiers only hold this rank for a short time during training, and will typically have advanced past this rank after only a few months of service. Some soldiers may even enlist above this rank depending on civilian work with the American JROTC or Boy Scouts. 

Private Second Class (E-2)

Private Second Class (P2C) is the first Army rank to feature a chevron. In the Army, many soldiers may refer to this as a soldier getting their "Mosquito Wings" due to the thin profile of the insignia. Private's Second Class maintain most of the same standards and jobs of their E-1counterparts, but are given more scrutiny by superiors. These soldiers have generally served for at least 8-9 months. 

Private First Class (E-3)

Private First Class (P1C) is the seniormost Private rank in the Libertalian Army. With at least a year of service to their name, these Privates are among the group which are in the beginning stages of being selected to become Non-Commissioned Officers, or NCO's. These privates are given the most responsibility, who may be selected to be Fireteam Leaders, and potentially even Assistant Squad Leaders, a position mostly given to Corporals. These soldiers have generally served for at least a year. 

Corporal (E-4)

Corporals (CPL) are the highest ranking enlisted rank which are not considered NCO's. Generally having served for at least a year and a half, these soldiers are at the front of consideration for promotion to the NCO corps. Some Corporals may be given NCO duties, and be considered Junior NCO's, these Corporals are called Lance Corporals. 

Lance Corporal (E-4)

Lance Corporals (LCPL), while sharing the same Enlisted Rate as standard Corporals, are considered the juniormost Junior NCO's in the Libertalian Army, being able to act as Assistant Squad Leaders, Fireteam leaders, and Platoon Guide-on bearer. 

These Corporals are included in Platoon meetings alongside their Sergeants, and are at the beginning stages of their leadership role in the Army. These soldiers manage their Squads/Fireteams, report to, and advise their Squad Leader on matters within the Squad. These soldiers may also act as assistants to Section and Platoon Sergeants.

Sergeant (E-5)

The first of the dedicated NCO ranks, the Sergeant acts as the seniormost member of a squad level unit in an infantry platoon. These soldiers lead their squadmates, report to the platoon leader, and advise the platoon leader in the field alongside his fellow squad leaders. These soldiers have typically served at least 2 years, or a full enlistment in the Army. 

Sergeants can typically be seen acting as Squad Leaders, Section Sergeants, and Advisors to Platoon Sergeants and Platoon Commanders.

Staff Sergeant (E-6)

Staff Sergeants are NCO's who have typically served at least 2 years in the Army, still among Junior NCO's, Staff Sergeants may act as Section Sergeants, Platoon Sergeants, or as an Advisor to the Company First Sergeant. Being some of the seniormost soldiers one may interact with on a daily basis, these soldiers hold great leadership responsibility in their units, Staff Sergeants have proved themselves as effective, skillful leaders and as such are entrusted with the majority of their subordinates daily orders and objectives. 

Sergeant First Class (E-7)

Sergeants First Class (SFC) are the lowest ranking of the Senior NCO ranks, typically being placed in the Company and Battalion First Sergeant positions, these soldiers represent the Enlisted troops to the officers of their unit, conveying information, requests, complaints and all other Enlisted related matters to the Company or Battalion staff. These soldiers are few in the Army, only having a few in any given Corps. These soldiers have served at least 3-4 years in the Army and have been selected personally by the Company or Battalion Commander for the position. 

Master Sergeant (E-8)

Master Sergeant's (MSgt) typically operate in the positions of Regimental or Division First Sergeant, being the enlisted advisor to the Regimental or Division Commander, as well as acting as the Enlisted Representative to the Regimental/Division Staff. These soldiers have typically served 5-6 years and are among the seniormost soldiers of the Army. 

Sergeant Major (E-9)

Sergeant's Major (SgtMaj) are typically assigned to the position as a Corps Sergeant Major, acting as Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Corps Staff, and as Enlisted Representative of an entire corps, with all Regimental/Division First Sergeant's reporting to them. These soldiers are some of the seniormost soldiers in the Army, having served 7-8 years. 

Sergeant Major of the Army

The Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) is the highest ranking enlisted soldier in the Republic Army. This rank is only held by one person at a time, who acts as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chief of Staff of the Army. This soldier has served a minimum of 10 years and is personally selected by the President at the beginning of his term, this term is renewable once after the initial term and is not required to be consecutive. 


Officers are the leadership of the Libertalian Army, having to meet more strenuous educational requirements to commission than to enlist, the Army Officer Corps are some of the best of the best you can find in a micronational army. 

Lieutenant (O-1)

Lieutenants (LT) are the lowest ranking officers in the Army, commanding Platoons and occasionally Companies, Lieutenants are usually inexperienced young soldiers who spend much of their time in command learning of their SNCO subordinates and how to command a unit effectively. This is the first rank an officer will recieve upon commission, acting as the Officer equivalent to the Private rank. 

Captain (O-2)

Captains are Junior Officers who have begun to learn more advanced leadership skills and have gained experience in the field, these soldiers have typically served 6-7 months in the Army and typically lead Company sized units. 

Major (O-3)

Major's (Maj) are the seniormost Junior Officers of the Army, typically being assigned to the positions of Company or Battalion commanders, these officers have typically served 12-15 months in the Army and have gained extensive leadership knowledge and skills. 

Lt. Colonel (O-4)

Lieutenant Colonel's (LtCol) are the juniormost Senior Officers of the Army, being typically assigned as Battalion Commanders, occasionally being assigned as Regimental Commanders, typically have 22-26 months in the Army, these soldiers lead some of the largest units a soldier may interact with on a daily basis and may be the seniormost officer a soldier may interact with every day, which puts Lt. Colonel's under much pressure to lead effectively. 

Colonel (O-5)

Colonels (Col) are Senior Officers which typically lead Regiments or Divisions, and which have served a minimum of 2-2 1/2 years in the Army. 

Commander (O-6)

Commanders (Cmdr) are officers which lead Divisions in the Army, and who have typically served a minimum of 3-3 1/2 months in the Army and have demonstrated emmense leadership capability and experience. This is the last, and highest, non-flag officer (general) rank in the Army.

Brigadier General (O-7)

Brigadier Generals (BrigGen) are the juniormost General Officer's in the Libertalian Army, leading Divisions or Corps typically. These officers have typically served 4 1/2-5 years in the Army at promotion. 

Major General (O-8)

Major Generals (MajGen) are General Officers who are typically in charge of Corps or Army Groups (otherwise known as Field Armies). These soldiers have typically served 66 months (5 1/2 years) in the Army. 

Lieutenant General (O-9)

Lieutenant Generals (LtGen) are General Officers who typically command Army Groups, or Army Functional Corps, acting as the Commander of that branch of the Army.  these officers have typically served for 6-6 1/2 years at promotion.

General (O-10)

Generals (GEN) are the highest ranking officer of the Army in peacetime, typically acting as Army Group Commanders and Army Functional Corps Commanders, these officers may also be assigned by the Senate and President to hold the posts of Chief of Staff of the Army, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. These soldiers have typically served for 7-7 1/2 years at promotion. 

General of the Army (O-10)

During wartime, the President may authorize or order the Senate to authorize the use of the General of the Army rank during a period of conflict. These soldiers will typically be the seniormost Generals in the Army, assigned by the President. These officers do not have a standard for years in service, being chosen for experience over time in service. This rank can be promoted from any rank at the Presidents order, making it different from most other ranks. This rank is not used in peacetime.